by Tim Singer | Jan 15, 2021
Logan Value (LV) identifies large-cap stocks with strong fundamentals that have relatively high dividend yields and are undervalued relative to peers. The portfolio maintains a dividend yield relatively higher than the yield on the Russell 1000 Value index [1] , and...
by logancapdev | Apr 12, 2018
Logan Concentrated Value identifies mega cap stocks with strong fundamentals that have relatively high dividend yields and are undervalued relative to peers. The portfolio maintains a dividend yield relatively higher than the Russell 1000 Value and tends to be...
by logancapdev | Apr 12, 2018
Logan Core (CORE) blends growth and concentrated value styles—and the expertise of both our Growth and Value teams—in a single account. Growth-focused holdings typically represent 60% of the portfolio; value-focused holdings represent 40%. This approach aims to manage...