by logancapdev | Apr 12, 2018
Logan Large Cap Growth (LCG) is a true large-growth strategy. Slightly on the aggressive side, LCG pairs well with growth at a reasonable price (GARP) and large cap value strategies.Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investment Style 40–60 U.S.-traded...
by logancapdev | Apr 12, 2018
Logan Growth is a mid to large cap growth strategy that works well as core growth exposure. The strategy focuses on U.S.-traded companies with the potential to grow earnings at a faster rate than the average stock. The strategy’s goal is to provide long-term returns...
by logancapdev | Apr 12, 2018
Logan Global Growth combines Logan’s top-down growth approach with globally sourced holdings, identifying 60–80 American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and U.S.-traded stocks with a minimum market cap of >$1 billion at time of purchase. [1]Past performance does not...
by logancapdev | Apr 12, 2018
Logan Core (CORE) blends growth and concentrated value styles—and the expertise of both our Growth and Value teams—in a single account. Growth-focused holdings typically represent 60% of the portfolio; value-focused holdings represent 40%. This approach aims to manage...